RTL support
At the moment ION range slider library doesn't support RTL direction. Please use jQuery UI sliders or NoUI sliders as an alternative.
Basic examples
Sliders with basic functionality
Basic slider example

Default setup without parameters

Set up range and step

Set up range with negative values

-500500-1 0005001 000
Set start point

Set min value, max value and start point

Custom stepping

Set slider step using step option

-500500-1 0005001 000
Basic range slider

Set type to double and specify range

Fractional step

Set up range with fractional values

Customizing values
Prettify visual look of numbers
Custom number values

Set up custom numbers in the grid

Disable prettify

Big numbers are ugly and unreadable

Custom value names

Using any strings as your values

Enable prettify

Looks much better with spacing

3 0001 00010 000
Months values

Another example of using strings

Custom separator

Don't like spacing? Add your own separator

Decorating numbers
Add prefixes, postfixes, symbols etc.
Numbers with prefix

Adding custom prefix to the numbers

$0$250$75002505007501 000
Decorate both values

Using decorate_both config option

HDD: 145 Gb — HDD: 155 Gb100125150175200
Numbers with postfix

Adding custom postfix to the numbers

250°750°02505007501 000
Decoration separator

Change default separator to your own

HDD: 145 Gb → HDD: 155 Gb100125150175200
Number with no limit

If max number is not the biggest one

Age 401831445770
Remove decoration

No decoration in the second value

HDD: 145 — 155 Gb100125150175200
Advanced examples
More complex slider examples
Values inside container

Prevent numbers from overflowing

1 000 0002 000 0001 000 0002 000 000
Grid values density

Control number of grid values

Disabled slider

Lock the slider using disable option

Attach values to steps

Have predifined step? You can snap grid to it

01 0000100200300400500600700800900
Keyboard controls

Arrow keys and WSAD slider control

Fractional step

Attach values to fractional steps

Manipulation intervals, handles etc.
Minimum interval size

Set min interval using min_interval option

Lock left handle

Fix from handle with from_fixed option

025075002505007501 000
Maximum interval size

Set max interval using max_interval option

Lock right handle

Fix to handle with to_fixed option

025075002505007501 000
Dragging interval

Enable dragging with drag_interval option

Lock both handles

You can even lock both slider handles

025075002505007501 000
Other examples
Format date and time, setting limits etc.
Movement limit

Set limits for slider movement

050002505007501 000
Moment.js format

Format date using moment.js

Sep 16, 2024Mar 16, 2024Sep 14, 2024Mar 16, 2025
Highlight limited zone

Highlight the zone using from_shadow option

050002505007501 000
Time format

12 or 24 hours time format

07:33 AM01:33 AM07:33 PM10:33 PM01:33 AM04:33 AM07:33 AM
Highlight in range

More complex example of zone highlight


Moment.js date and time localization
