Warning palette colors
Includes 1 main and 5 accent colors
Warning 800
Warning 700
Warning 600
Warning 500
Warning 400
Warning 300
Palette classes

Warning color palette includes 6 colors: 1 main color without suffix and 5 accent colors with 300, 400, 600, 700 and 800 suffixes. Majority of components and layout parts are coded with maximum flexibility and support of different color options that can be changed on-the-fly just by adding or replacing proper color class. Also works perfectly in combination with other helpers, that makes Limitless very flexible and configurable.

Please note: default Bootstrap contextual classes - primary, danger, success, warning, info - still available and correspond to main colors, so you can use both .bg-danger and .btn-danger as main colors, but if you want to use accent colors, use only .bg-*-*, BS accent classes have been dropped to avoid unnecessary dublicating.
Class Description
Classes for background color. You can choose between 1 warning color using .bg-warning class and 5 accent colors using .bg-warning-* class in 300, 400, 600, 700, 800 range
Classes for border color. Useful when only border needs to have different colors - validation, highlights, custom buttons etc. Can be used with form controls, selects, cards, buttons and any other block element
Classes for top border color. Use this class if you need to highlight top border only
Classes for bottom border color. Use this class if you need to highlight bottom border only
Classes for left border color. Use this class if you need to highlight left border only
Classes for right border color. Use this class if you need to highlight right border only
Classes for text color. These colors can be used with: text, links, icons, lists etc. Base text color doesn't require suffix
.alpha-warning Classes for light accent color. Mainly used in alerts with darker text color from the same palette. Available only in 1 class
Alert options
Bordered, styled, solid in both directions
Here you can see how warning palette can be used with different components. By the way, this alert uses it as well
And this alert uses warning color palette, but white background color. With utility classes, everything is possible
Morning! We're glad to see you again and wish you a nice day.
Form components
Inputs, selects, checkboxes, radios, groups etc.
Input field text

Using .text-warning classes

Input with feedback

Using .text-warning classes

File input color

Styled file input button color

Input group addon

Using .text-warning classes

Addon and button

Combine text addon and button

Input group button

Using .bg-warning classes

Checkbox colors

Using border and text color classes

Radio classes

Using border color classes

Switchery colors

Using native plugin options

Select2 single

Custom single select text color

Multiselect color

Using plugin's buttonClass option

Uniform select

Using plugin's selectClass option

Tabs component color
Solid tabs nav and content color
Tabs navigation color
Add custom background color to the tab navigation with .bg-warning palette classes
Food truck fixie locavore, accusamus mcsweeney's marfa nulla single-origin coffee squid laeggin
DIY synth PBR banksy irony. Leggings gentrify squid 8-bit cred pitchfork. Williamsburg whatever
Aliquip jean shorts ullamco ad vinyl cillum PBR. Homo nostrud organic, assumenda labore aesthet
Solid color tabs
Add custom background color to the tabs navigation and content with .bg-warning palette classes
Food truck fixie locavore, accusamus mcsweeney's marfa nulla single-origin coffee squid laeggin
DIY synth PBR banksy irony. Leggings gentrify squid 8-bit cred pitchfork. Williamsburg whatever
Aliquip jean shorts ullamco ad vinyl cillum PBR. Homo nostrud organic, assumenda labore aesthet
Text options
Text, link, badges, badge pills, icons
Text and link color

Using .text-warning classes

Warning text and warning link
Badge color

Using .bg-warning classes

Warning badge
Badge pill color

Using .bg-warning classes

Progress bars
All colors, all sizes, all options
Basic bar color

Using .bg-warning classes

55% Complete
Striped bar color

Using .bg-warning classes

65% Complete
Animated bar color

Using .bg-warning classes

75% Complete
Table color options
Header, footer, rows, columns, cells etc.
Header and footer
Easily change background color of table header and table footer by adding color class to the table header or footer row
# First Name Last Name Username
1 Eugene Kopyov @Kopyov
2 Victoria Baker @Vicky
3 James Alexander @Alex
# First Name Last Name Username
Table rows
All table layouts support different row color options - highlight and solid fill
# First Name Last Name Username
1 Eugene Kopyov @Kopyov
2 Victoria Baker @Vicky
3 James Alexander @Alex
# First Name Last Name Username
Table columns
Besides table rows, you can also highlight table columns in the same way as rows
# First Name Last Name Username
1 Eugene Kopyov @Kopyov
2 Victoria Baker @Vicky
3 James Alexander @Alex
# First Name Last Name Username
Solid table
Sometimes it may be very handy to highlight the whole table, you just need to add .bg-* classes to the table
# First Name Last Name Username
1 Eugene Kopyov @Kopyov
2 Victoria Baker @Vicky
3 James Alexander @Alex
# First Name Last Name Username
Button colors
Button text, border and background colors
Basic button

Using .bg-warning classes

Labeled button

Using .bg-warning classes

Outline button colors

Using border and text color classes

Card colors
Card, card border and heading colors
Warning card
Warning card using .bg-warning class added to the card header
Warning bordered card
Bordered warning card using .bg-warning and .border-warning classes
Warning solid card
Solid warning card using .bg-warning class added to the card container
Notifications & dialogs
Notifications, modals, popovers, tooltips
Tooltip color

Change default tooltip color

Popover header

Using .bg-warning classes

Popover background

Apply custom color to the entire popover

Modal dialog header

Using .bg-warning classes

Modal background

Using .bg-warning classes

Modal dialog footer

Using .bg-warning classes

Noty notification

Using .bg-warning color classes

jGrowl notification

Using plugin's theme option

PNotify notification

Using plugin's addclass option

Dropdown menu colors
Dropdown and menu elements color
Dropdown border color

Using .border-warning color classes

Dropdown background color

Using .bg-warning color classes

Adapted menu components

Badges, badge pills, checkboxes, radios