Version 2.3
November 10, 2019

Version 2.3 includes a long awaited dark theme, library updates, bunch of improvements and a couple of components that have been removed due to various reasons. This update is the last one in 2.* series, next will be 3.0 that will include quite a lot of new app pages and general design update. Don't worry, without major changes for fellow users, I'll make sure upgrade process will be as simple as possible. And Bootstrap 3 version will be finally removed.

// # List of new things
// ------------------------------

[new]  Dark theme
[new]  SweetAlert toasts
[new]  selection.json file for Icomoon icon set (to edit current set and generate new font)

// # List of updates
// ------------------------------

[updated]  Select2 - select2.min.js - to 4.0.10
[updated]  Form validation - validate.min.js - to 1.19.1
[updated]  Fullcalendar - fullcalendar.min.js - to 4.3.1
[updated]  File input - fileinput.min.js - to 5.0.6
[updated]  Dropzone - dropzone.min.js - to 5.5.0
[updated]  C3.js - c3.min.js - to 0.4.22
[updated]  Footable - footable.min.js - to 3.1.6
[updated]  Trumbowyg editor - trumbowyg.min.js and related - to 2.20.0
[updated]  Summernote - summernote.min.js - to 0.8.12
[updated]  Sweet Alert - sweet_alert.min.js - to 8.16.0
[updated]  NoUI slider - nouislider.min.js - to 14.0.2
[updated]  CKEditor - ckeditor.js - to 4.12.1
[updated]  i18next - i18next.min.js and related - to 19.0.0
[updated]  Moment.js - moment.min.js - to 2.24.0
[updated]  gulpfile.js and package.json - updated dependencies to support latest version gulp version

// # List of fixes
// ------------------------------

[fixed]  Scrollbars are always visible in sidebar
[fixed]  Datatables - Copy dialog styling is missing
[fixed]  Remove $table-dark-color duplicate
[fixed]  Nav links show dotted borders in FF
[fixed]  Summernote - sticky toolbar is hidden
[fixed]  PNotify - bottom stacks are broken on mobile
[fixed]  Update bootstrap.bundle.min.js to latest
[fixed]  Dropdown items have smaller height in icons list
[fixed]  Custom select has wrong right padding
[fixed]  Fixed ECharts resizing bug if charts are loaded from multiple JS files
[fixed]  Custom controls have extra shadow on focus
[fixed]  Content sidebar overlaps main sidebar on mobile
[fixed]  File input - xixed wrong vertical alignment in file selector
[fixed]  jQuery UI - fixed border radius in combo autocomplete
[fixed]  Fixed double background color in Inbox toolbars
[fixed]  Vertical lines are always centered in timelines
[fixed]  Mega menu dropdown positioning in RTL layout
[fixed]  Summernote - image editor styling is broken
[fixed]  RTL - mega menu with table displayed incorrectly

// # List of improvements
// ------------------------------

[improved]  Added support for custom CKEditor themes and setup SCSS compilation (including new gulp task)
[improved]  All chart configurations are now moved to separate files
[improved]  Refactored SCSS files (replaced hard coded values with variables and cleaned up the code)
[improved]  Improved custom controls styling
[improved]  Google charts styling
[improved]  Improved D3.js charts styling config in JS and SCSS
[improved]  Replaced jQuery code with vanilla JS in chart configs
[improved]  Folder structure in global assets
[improved]  Dashboard JS configs
[improved]  jQuery UI Datepicker - improved font styles in month and year selects
[improved]  Improved toast component styling
[improved]  Bunch of RTL improvements
[improved]  Documentation

// # List of removed things
// ------------------------------

[removed]  Bootstrap 3 version - contact me if you need it
[removed]  Dimple charts - outdated and not maintained anymore
[removed]  Handsontable - the team merged free and premium versions and latest releases require license for commercial projects issued per developer. Latest free version is full of bugs and not maintained anymore.
Version 2.2
April 2, 2019

Version 2.2 is a quick update that includes mostly bug fixes reported by active users and updates of all components to the most recent version. Initial plan was to deliver a big update with lots of new things, but creating of those things take time and users asked to split it up into 2 separate updates. This is the first part. Although it's the first part, it includes some critical changes in SCSS files related to icon sets. Follow the list of changed files for more info.

// # List of updates
// ------------------------------

[updated]  Bootstrap to 4.3.1
[updated]  NoUI slider (nouislider.min.js) - to 13.1.3
[updated]  ION range slider (ion_rangeslider.min.js) - to 2.3.0
[updated]  ECharts (charts.min.js) - to 4.1.0
[updated]  Image cropper (cropper.min.js) - to 4.0.0
[updated]  Bootstrap file input (fileinput.min.js and related) - to 4.5.2
[updated]  Fullcalendar files - to 4.0.1
[updated]  Trumbowyg editor (trumbowyg.min.js and related) - to 2.14.0
[updated]  SweetAlert2 (sweet_alert.min.js) - to 7.29.1
[updated]  Font Awesome - to 5.5.0
[updated]  AnimateCSS - to 3.7.0
[updated]  Bootstrap file input (fileinput) - to 4.5.2

// # List of fixes
// ------------------------------

[fixed]  Form wizard - Current/completed step icon in IE 11
[fixed]  IE placeholder broken
[fixed]  Inline form in jQuery UI dialog is broken
[fixed]  SweetAlert - multiple issues popped up during library upgrade
[fixed]  Trumbowyg - checkboxes in modals are misaligned
[fixed]  IE11 - SweetAlert2 - Promise library is required
[fixed]  IE11 - layouts 2 and 4 have extra scrollbar in content area
[fixed]  IE11 - Datatable footer has extra whitespace
[fixed]  Boxed layout - Timelines - vertical lines are not visible
[fixed]  Wrong path to panel_bg.png file
[fixed]  RTL layout - wrong icons in pagination
[fixed]  RTL layout - newer Fullcalendar version breaks the layout
[fixed]  NoUI slider pips styling
[fixed]  Pickadate picker width
[fixed]  ECharts library throws JS errors if DOM element doesn't exist 
[fixed]  Fullcalendar throws JS errors if DOM element doesn't exist
[fixed]  AJAX and Dynamic Queue examples of Sweet Alert
[fixed]  BlockUI in sidebar doesn't show up

// # List of improvements
// ------------------------------

[improved]  Converted all icon sets to SCSS
[improved]  Users now can replace default icon sets in SCSS
[improved]  Replaced all hardcoded icon codes with a set of variables
[improved]  Refactored bunch of JS and SCSS files
[improved]  Removed unused mixin overrides
[improved]  Now all icons include unicode
Version 2.1
September 26, 2018

This version includes fixes for all bugs reported by fellow users - IE/Edge browsers issues, missing rules in various components and a bunch of improvements. This is the last update that is focused only on bug fixing, starting from the next one the main focus will be new layouts, themes and functionality. This means that migration from BS3 to BS4 is finally over.

// # List of updates
// ------------------------------

[updated]	 Bootstrap to 4.1.3

// # List of fixes
// ------------------------------

[fixed]	 IE11/Edge - userpic in navbar increases navbar height
[fixed]  IE11/Edge - badges in navbar are misaligned
[fixed]	 IE11/Edge - sidebar content is hidden in fixed layout
[fixed]	 IE11/Edge - native scrollbar is visible in container with custom scrollbar
[fixed]	 Layouts 3/4/5 - Fixed sidebar styles still exist in _sidebar.scss
[fixed]	 Reversed rotation animation has incorrect animation name
[fixed]	 Pick-a-Date: Missing min-width CSS rule
[fixed]	 Pick-a-Date: Month/year drop-down
[fixed]	 Select2: in multiple select results text doesn't wrap
[fixed]	 Select2: custom light background applies incorrect shadow and placeholder color
[fixed]	 Replace input type="datetime" with input type="datetime-local"
[fixed]	 Pricing tables - text color in corner ribbon is incorrect
[fixed]	 RTL - Mail list page - dropdowns in mail selection appear behind sidebar
[fixed]	 RTL - In navbar button dropdowns don't support .dropdown-menu-right class
[fixed]  Set of border utility classes mentioned in helpers has incorrect side names
[fixed]  Documentation: Badge class still shows "badge-block" instead of "d-block"

// # List of improvements
// ------------------------------

[improved]  Removed file extensions in components.scss
Version 2.0.1
June 20, 2018

Quick update that includes bug fixes for version 2.0, the most important one is IE10/11 browser support - now all layouts work fine in IE10+. Here is a list of changes:

// # List of fixed
// ------------------------------

[fixed]  Flexbox layout is broken in IE10 and IE11
[fixed]  Right aligned custom checkers are misaligned
[fixed]  Multiselect menu should have 100% width by default
[fixed]  Sectioned sidebar with custom background color has wrong background in collapsed mode
Version 2.0
June 20, 2018

Bootstrap 4 version has its own changelog, because 2 Bootstrap version are completely different. Major part of components have been customized in order to support BS4 and flexbox layout, so components from BS3 can be used in this version. Since all components are the same in all layouts, the template now supports 1 main layout and 4 child layouts - this means only 1st layout includes all components, child layouts include only layout-related files. This makes maintenance easy and fast. Main highlights:

  • Adapted 3rd party components
  • Latest versions of all main libraries
  • Built with SCSS
  • Improved gulp tasks
  • Based on flexbox model
  • Single set of assets for all layouts
  • Moved to modular JS pattern
  • All bugfixes and improvements from BS3 are included
  • Updated all examples
  • High attention to details
  • Improved file structure
  • Improved starter kit
  • Improved vertical navigation
  • Improved multi level navigation in navbar
  • Mega menu has been extended
  • Improved performance
  • Removed old and unmaintained libraries
  • Single SCSS configuration file with all components
  • Improved theming support
  • Simple style editing
  • ... and much more
Important note: since every single line of code is completely different from Bootstrap 3 version, there's no any migration guide: markup, class names, source files, pre-processors and logic are different. But both versions have their own extensive documentation. Bootstrap 3 is officially in maintenance mode since 2017 and from now on I am mainly focused on extending and improving BS4 version.